The Physical and Psychological Treatment for Victims of Sexual Violence

The Physical and Psychological Treatment for Victims of Sexual Violence

A two-day training course of (The Physical and Psychological Treatment for Victims of Sexual Violence) was held in (31/7 – 1/8/2024) in Erbil as part of the project “Providing Legal Services to Survivors of Sexual Violence,” in collaboration with the UNFPA and with financial support from UK-Aid. The session was attended by 15 specialists in psychiatry and obstetrics and gynecology, focusing on “How to Provide Psychological and Physical Treatment to Survivors of Sexual Violence.” The training was conducted by three experienced trainers: (Dr. Ahmed Miran / Ph.D. in International Criminal Law), (Dr. Redar Mohammed Amin /Psychiatry Specialist), and (Dr. Jamila Saleh Hamadamin /Forensic Medicine Specialist). The session was also attended by Mrs. (Azhi Amin), the UNFPA representative in the Kurdistan region.


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